“When I Grow Up, I Will Be an Engineer”

“Dare All Jobs Day” is an organized day when young girls and boys discover professions without any judgment and without being limited to traditional female or male occupations. The workshop “When I’ll grow up, I’ll be an engineer” was organized by INGPHI and is associated with the sia (Swiss Engineers and Architects) Women Network. Once every year, it allows young girls between 10 and 12 years old to discover the job of a civil engineer.

This years, 7 kids, among which two boys, took part in this day of activities. It started with a presentation of the profession of engineer by a female engineer of our office. Then, during a workshop, the kids could draw a bridge and build a spaghetti and marshmallow tower. Finally, the group left to visit a construction site. Therefore, they could understand the different phases of a project.

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