“Engineer’s workshop” Day at INGPHI

The “Journée Oser tous les métiers” (Dare to do all the jobs day) allows young people to discover a profession outside the clichés, without being limited to traditionally feminine or masculine sectors. Every year, it allows young girls and boys aged 10 to 12 to discover the profession of civil engineer.

This year, 8 girls and 4 boys participated in the day. The day began with a presentation of the profession of civil engineer and stereotypes about professions in general. Then, a workshop during which the children could build a model of a tower. Finally, the group went to the construction site of the Grand-Pont, from where we can see the Ferris wheel that the Bô Noël has installed this year. They were thus able to discover a project in situ and become aware of the different phases of a project.

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