As part of the refurbishment of the railway section between Merjen and Kalpetran on the Visp-Zermatt line, INGPHI was commissioned, in partnership with AFRY, to refurbish the Faulkinnbrücke I and II structures. The client is the Matterhorn Gothard Bahn.

These structures, which date from the 1960s, are two single girder bridges in prestressed reinforced concrete with a span of around 25 m, which accommodate the railway trough. They were designed by engineer A. Sarrasin.

Inspections carried out in 2022 and 2023 revealed extensive damage caused by GAG, as well as significant waterproofing and drainage deficiencies. In addition, there was insufficient clearance for the leakage paths.

The trough was completely rehabilitated, with the installation of a CFUP waterproofing system, and the concrete was completely restored. End details at the abutments were improved, and the supporting devices and water drainage system were completely replaced. The width of the structure was brought up to standard. The work was carried out by the companies Schmidt Bautech AG and Volken AG in a three-week lightning operation, requiring complex logistics due to the difficult access to the site.

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Trappistes bridge: replacement of the supporting devices